Friday, July 31, 2015

Fairy Tale - 2/25/2015

There once was a little girl named Skye, and a Raven would fly to her window every day, and she would feed it. And every night, the Raven would bring her a shiny treasure; sometimes a rusty nail, other times a bit of foil paper, a butterfly wing, a piece of sea glass. Over time, he would allow Skye to run her fingers over his blue-black feathers, and they would talk for hours. But every so often during his nightly visits to her window, he would bring her a delicate gold ring, and ask her to put it on her finger. Skye would never oblige, telling him he was silly, and would toss it back down into the hedges. The Raven liked her name, telling her that it reminded him of the places he would fly when he was not visiting her. These day and night visits went on for years and years, until one night Skye held the ring in her hands for a very long time, and then slipped it on her ringfinger, whispering a wish to the moon, that she would find her one true love. And with that, the Raven disappeared, only to reappear in the form of a handsome young man. He had grown up a spoiled young prince, without care or worry for anyone but himself, never appreciating all the gifts he was given, often turning up his nose and dismissing them. As is the case in so many other fairy tales, a witch got involved, chastising him for his selfish behaviors, and, after turning him into a Raven, cursed him with the task of spending his days searching for things with meaning and value, and gathering them until the sun went down, until he had learned his lesson. And they lived happy ever after......

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